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       1ST DRAFT 

This is the first draft of Act Like An Angel. We are very happy with our product as we believe it follows the conventions of a Rock video very well. I like the bleached effects used on the coloured scenes. I am very proud of the fact that we stuck to our original plans and maybe made a few minor  adjustments. We have noticed a few errors, an example of this would  be that the introductory text at the beginning of the video lasts too long and does not fade and  some of the performing shots last too long. Our aim for our final draft is to create a product that is realistic enough to be shown on a Rock music channel.

Audience Feedback 1st Draft 

In this clip, we got the audiences responses on the first draft of our video. We had chosen people who have knowledge of the Rock genre and would be potential customers for this product.
Obviously everyone has their own opinions of what they like and dislike and every audience member has their own opinion. However I do agree in saying that there needs to be less performance scenes and more 'wreckage' and mayhem. The majority of the feedback was positive which we were very happy about.

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